Easton Home Integrates into Your Daily Needs

Easton Home Mobile App is an after-sales service that was launched by Easton Urban Kapital. This app was created to support all your household needs and make your life so much easier. Beyond that, we always want to give the best for our eastonfam.

Report & Repair
Renew your lovely home
Remind Your Payment
Find Facilities and Stores
Buy Daily Needs
Notify the Security

One App, All the Help People Need

Easton Home Mobile App has a lot of exciting features that can help you in any kind of situation, such as Daily Needs, Panic Button, Report & Repair, Direct Payments, and chat room that connects to Easton Head Office.

Fulfill your daily needs

Need to find stores and other facilities around the neighborhood? Go find them on Daily Needs and swoosh! Get all the house needs delivered to your doorstep.

Make your life safe and sound

Are you in an emergency situation and need a quick help? Worry not! you only need to click the Panic Button on Easton Home mobile app. It will notify all your neighbors and the security. Then, just wait and someone will come to help you.

Fastest solution for your house problems

Do you have any house or facilities problem? Don’t worry, you only need to report it on Easton Home mobile app and we will repair it for you immediately!

Your effortless way to pay

Do you want to make your payment faster and easier? Yep, Easton Home will remind you to pay on time and cha-ching! Your payment is now complete.

Your effortless way to pay

Do you want to make your payment faster and easier? Yep, Easton Home will remind you to pay on time and cha-ching! Your payment is now complete.


Download Easton Home application on App Store or Play Store


Sign up with your email that was registered when you bought Easton's house


Set up your pin for Panic Button (remember to use it for emergencies only!)


Invite your family members by adding their personal emails to the User List section


Explore all features to fulfill your household needs!

Do you want to know more about Easton Home?