Besides Rumah Faye, we also teamed up with TERARTAI to design some gifts for our beloved eastonfam. TERARTAI is a social business that works together with special-needs communities, namely those with autism, down syndrome, and cerebral palsy by co-creating arts and turning them into wearable arts and souvenirs.
When we approached TERARTAI for our collaboration, the first thing that they proposed was the design concept. It was decided that the main concept for all of the artworks will be based on "Solid Ground". We believed that a solid ground is important when it comes to building a house and a home. With a solid ground, the house can be brave through any season, wind, rain, even storm.
TERARTAI proposed three different interpretations about "Solid Ground" which will later be the design of the gift for eastonfam in the form of a scarf.TERARTAI proposed three different interpretations about "Solid Ground" which will later be the design of the gift for eastonfam in the form of a scarf.

Solid Ground Helps Us Grow Better and Stronger
This initiative has been running well for one semester and now, we're entering the second semester. We are beyond grateful to see our eastonkids can study well at school. We hope that our initiative can enhance the education of young generations to make a good impact on our surroundings, especially those closest to us.
Solid Ground is Believing in Myself Even in the Impossibles
The tall mountain resembles the challenging moments in our lives that, at times, leave us feeling hopeless. But when our grounds are solid, no matter how hard the challenges may be, we will keep moving forward, believing that the challenges we face are meant to mold us, not break us.
Solid Ground is to be at Peace with Who I Am
This paints diversity of our personal growth represented by variety of houses across the flourishing field. Some days we feel vulnerable, even left behind when seeing how others are progressing differently than we are, but don't lose heart as we are all wonderfully made to walk different journeys of life. Like these houses, we come in different shapes and colors; beautiful in our own ways.
After the talented artists in TERARTAI have finished painting some designs, we decided on 5 designs to be printed on our scarves. We're beyond glad that turns out our eastonfam love the gift as much as we do.
You can find all the information about TERARTAI on their website and Instagram.
We need your help!